Eviction Prevention Design Strategy guide
For regional leaders looking to improve people’s eviction-related outcomes, use this Design Strategy plan to review what you already offer & where you can improve.
For regional leaders looking to improve people’s eviction-related outcomes, use this Design Strategy plan to review what you already offer & where you can improve.
New Housing Court models have emerged out of Charleston, South Carolina, where stakeholders have created a program hosted in the court to get more access to legal representation to eligible tenants, to help them avoid evictions.
Landlords and property managers play a crucial role in eviction prevention. Their strategies and decisions control whether and how tenants are evicted.
What has been accomplished in the past 2 years of eviction prevention work? And what are the goals and challenges that need to be addressed in the next 2 years?
Make sure a tenant who has been sued for eviction also knows their options to get help & be prepared for court.
Are you trying to involve your local courts in regional eviction prevention efforts? Use this template to guide you through how to find the right contacts and be prepared to engage the court effectively.
Many city agencies and regional coalitions struggle to involve the court in eviction prevention. What are strategies to engage judges, court executives, and clerks in eviction prevention initiatives?
In March 2022, the Washington D.C. Council approved an act barring landlords from filing eviction lawsuits against tenants who owe less than $600 in back rent. This puts…
A unique partnership in the Indiana town of Fort Wayne has created an in-court eviction prevention service to reach more tenants and landlords before they go to trial, with services and guidance that can help them come to a resolution and get financial help without going to court.
How can your region using emergency rent relief to effectively reduce evictions & their harm? This strategy model lays out the steps you can take to go from beginner to advanced in your programs.