Eviction Laws Report Card for Indiana
A university team has measured up their state’s laws, to see how their landlord-tenant laws, eviction protections, and housing court practices measure up to national standards.
A university team has measured up their state’s laws, to see how their landlord-tenant laws, eviction protections, and housing court practices measure up to national standards.
Indiana courts have made data about eviction filings available, and this interactive dashboard presents case filing data along with demographic, geographic, and individual story data.
A unique partnership in the Indiana town of Fort Wayne has created an in-court eviction prevention service to reach more tenants and landlords before they go to trial, with services and guidance that can help them come to a resolution and get financial help without going to court.
The Housing & Eviction Prevention Project (HEPP) in Indiana provides free legal, mediation, and social services to court. It includes integration into the court process, so once people are facing an eviction trial, they may be linked to services that can help them resolve their problem out of court.