As more courts, city governments, and legal service providers plan out regional efforts to prevent evictions & forcible moves, there are a lot of choices to make.
- What kinds of programs and policies should they prioritize?
- How can they build a coordinated set of services & tools that ordinary people can find and use?
- What best practices can they build from?
Based on our work in past R&D projects and the several rounds of the Eviction Prevention Learning Lab cohorts of city governments, the Legal Design Lab has created a 1-page Design Strategy guide for focused on making court-based eviction prevention/diversion programs more people-centered, accessible, and likely to improve people’s outcomes.

This one page guide lays out:
- the Target Areas where a court administrator, self help director, or other eviction prevention lead should focus. These are the things that are likely within their power to improve, overhaul, or introduce
- the specific interventions or deliverables they can check off (or not). What of these best practices do they have already — and how can each of these be reviewed, tweaked, and improved to be as clear, accessible, and engaging as possible?
- easy Quick Start steps to begin the design process
Please feel free to use or distribute this guide. Please attribute it to Stanford Legal Design Lab & let us know about improvements we might make to it. Please see a pdf version below, png above.