Basic Information
Program Name
RePresent: Renter
Short Description
RePresent: Renter is a mobile phone game that users can download and play in order to learn how to defend themselves against an eviction. Currently available in CT & ME.
Connecticut & Maine
2018 launch
2017 LSC-TIG Grant – approx $50,000
Size (number of beneficiaries)
Program Details
How does the program work? What are the typical paths of action that the beneficiary + the service-provider take?
RePresent: Renter is a mobile phone game that users can download and play in order to learn how to defend themselves against an eviction. They can go through scenarios to see what the legal system will be like, what decisions will result in what outcomes, and how court works.
Evidence Base
What are the plans for monitoring and evaluation?
We have an evaluation article coming out shortly in the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Independent evaluation by Jack Tsai, Ph.D. looked at the impact of gameplay on mental health outcomes and legal knowledge.
Contact and Follow-Up Info
Program Website
Point of Contact for more information
Dan Jackson, Executive Director – NuLawLab, at da.jackson [@]