Basic Information
Program Name
Housing Justice Project – Legal Aid of Nebraska
Short Description
The program provides assistance to low-income individuals with housing problems. Assistance includes, information, referrals, advice, self-help services and limited assistance and representation to qualifying low-income individuals with legal problems that fit within their housing priority.
Omaha, NE
Started in early 2019
A mixture of private, state and federal funding.
Size (number of beneficiaries)
They have provided some manner of quantifiable legal service to over 1,200 people who have contacted Legal Aid of Nebraska with housing related issues.

Who runs and manages the program?
The Program is part of Legal Aid of Nebraska. It is managed by Scott Mertz and staffed wtih attorneys and para professionals
Who funds the program?
A mixture of private, state and federal funding.
Intended Beneficiaries: Who does the program target?
Low-income individuals
Program Details
How does the program work? What are the typical paths of action that the beneficiary + the service-provider take?
The Program centralizes all housing work within Legal Aid of Nebraska. Anyone who calls, applies online, or comes during walk-in hours is forwarded to Housing Justice Project staff. Any case in priorities would be provided extended legal representation.
Evidence Base
What are the plans for monitoring and evaluation?
All Legal Aid of Nebraska clients are asked to give consent to answer client surveys on the impact of the legal services provided.
Have any evaluations been conducted so far?
Contact and Follow-Up Info
Documentation + Links
Point of Contact for more information
Scott Mertz, Managing Attorney, at