Do you need to make visuals for eviction prevention work? This could be outreach fliers, guidance for self-represented litigants, websites, apps, or more. Please use these free icons for noncommercial initiatives, to help make better communication designs for your audience.
Use these free icons to make more effective visual designs about eviction, housing court, and landlord-tenant problems.
The Stanford Legal Design Lab has made various visual designs for better outreach & guides for eviction prevention. As a part of that, we have also made many icons to use in these designs.
We offer them here to be used freely for any non-commercial initiative. You can feel free to use them, remix them, and publish them, as long as it is for a non-profit effort.
So here are the icons to use. Please also write to us with requests for other ones that you might need!
Icons for noncommercial use
Court icon for housing court
Use it for:
courthouse tasks
filing a lawsuit
attending court
Moving boxes for eviction icon
Use it for:
moving out from your home (rather than be evicted)
forcible set out from home (after eviction order)
informal eviction, feeling you are forced from your home without an eviction order from the court
Housing assistance icon
Use it for:
Subsidized housing
Emergency rental assistance
Rent payment
Financial Assistance icon
Use it for:
ERAP or other rental assistance programs
financial incentives for participating in programs
housing funds that might be available to landlords, like mitigation
Rent Problems icon
Use it for:
Inability to pay rent
Lease violation based on nonpayment
Money problems
Notice icon
Use it for:
a warning notice sent by the landlord to the tenant
a notice to quit, or other document that stars off the eviction
Assistance, Lawyer, or Navigator icon
Use it for:
a lawyer helping a person with their legal problem
a navigator or paralegal service
a case manager guiding the person through a problem
Legal Advice icon
Use it for:
a legal aid program giving services
a clinic
a self-help legal group
Settlement icon
Use it for:
reaching an agreement between landlord and tenant
going to mediation or other dispute resolution program
finding a win-win resolution
Court Order icon
Use it for:
an eviction order being issued by court
landlord giving the sheriff or law enforcement a copy of the order
an order being given to the tenant
Official Document icon
Use it for:
a summons, complaint, or notice coming from the court
a lawsuit starting
service of process
Housing Court icon
Use it for:
a court hearing about your housing problem
eviction court
landlord-tenant lawsuit
Court case about money icon
Use it for:
a court hearing about your money dispute
the ‘second cause’ court process for financial disputes between landlord and tenant
Lawsuit icons
Use it for:
jurisdictions that have 2 separate lawsuits for possession of the home & money claims
More icons
Documents or Form iconChecklist of tasks or Filling in Form iconOnboarding into services iconDiscovery, Search for Help, or Finding Services iconMobile Home or Manufactured Home iconServices, Tasks, or Checklist iconService network, holistic services iconCovid-19, coronavirus iconRed flag, warning iconUsers, people, stakeholders iconGoals, outcomes, metrics, target iconMoney iconHousing, home icon