A constant theme of eviction prevention is how to effectively engage landlords in the prevention work? How can there be early and positive outreach to landlords, that can incentivize mediation, keeping people housed, and working on solutions outside of adversarial court proceedings?
In March 2021, the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma launched the Gold Star Landlord Program to provide exactly this early education, incentives and rewards to landlords and property managers. The program sets up standards of what good rental practices are, and then provides benefits back to the landlords that follow through on them.

Here are the basics. Landlords and property managers must participate in a series of free programs, and then they get incentives in return. Landlords and property managers must apply to join the program. The city maintains a public list of these gold star landlords, and extra assistance. If you are a landlord who wants to participate, you can apply here.
Requirements for the Gold Star Landlord participation
Licensed landlords and property managers must participate in these free programs:
- Participate in the Tulsa Health Department’s Safe and Healthy Homes Program, including free inspections of vacant rental properties
- Prioritized application processing to the City’s emergency rental and utility assistance program
- List all available rental units on the City of Tulsa and Housing Solutions’ Affordable Housing Waitlist
- Participate in the Early Settlement Mediation Program before evicting tenants, except in cases of criminal activity
- Participate in the City’s Abode Initiative, which supports landlords to increase affordable housing opportunities in Tulsa
Incentives and benefits for Gold Star Landlord Participation
Licensed landlords and property managers will receive
- Advertising and promotion as one of the City of Tulsa’s best landlords and property managers
- Assistance from City of Tulsa staff with accessing resources and services that landlords need, including arranging direct referrals where possible.
- Landlord incentives funded by the Affordable Housing Trust Fund
- Referrals of tenants who have completed the Housing Solutions’ Housing Stability Certificate program, which teaches tenants skills to maintain housing stability
Read more about the program here: https://www.cityoftulsa.org/press-room/city-launches-gold-star-landlord-program/
News report on it: https://www.news9.com/story/604fe9426bbac00be368c724/new-tulsa-program-will-highlight-best-landlords-providing-affordable-housing