Eviction Data Portal in Chicago

The Chicago Evictions data portal is a resource to help policy makers, community groups and others investigate Chicago’s chronic eviction problem.

Basic Information

Short Description

The Chicago Evictions data portal is a resource to help policy makers, community groups and others investigate Chicago’s chronic eviction problem.


Chicago, Illinois


The research started about 3 years ago and is currently ongoing.


Initially through grant funding from state Attorney General as a result of foreclosure settlements, and through Polk Bros Foundation in Chicago.

Size (number of beneficiaries)



Who designed and set up the program? 

Who funds the program?

Initially through grant funding from state Attorney General as a result of foreclosure settlements, and through Polk Bros Foundation in Chicago.

Intended Beneficiaries: Who does the program target?

Policy makers and community groups.

Program Details

How does the program work? What are the typical paths of action that the beneficiary + the service-provider take?

The program is a data portal that can be used by policy makers and community groups to gain better insight into the eviction crisis in Chicago. Beneficiaries can view data visualizations by filtering specific areas in Chicago. The datasets that are available are on: Eviction Filing Rate, Poverty (%) , Eviction Orders (%), Race (%), Representation (%) and Back Rent Sought (median). Currently, the portal embeds data from 2010-2017. There are plans to add 2018 data in the upcoming months.

In addition to data visualizations, beneficiaries can also read data reports on the eviction crisis.

What assets can be shared for others to use? 

The project has shared its full documentation, example data, field definitions, and map files.

Its Methodology pdf that describes the project’s process in depth.

Contact the program administrator for other potential sharing.

Evidence Base

What are the plans for monitoring and evaluation?

None at this time.

Have any evaluations been conducted so far?


Contact and Follow-Up Info

Program Website

Documentation + Links

See the project’s full data and documentation release from 2019, which includes the project’s

  • Methodology.
  • Four eviction data files (csv format), with rows for each of the 8 years (2010-2017). The files represent different geographical areas: Chicago, Community Areas, Wards, and Census Tracts.
  • Eviction data field definitions document.
  • Four census data files (csv format), with rows for both sets of American Community Survey 5-year estimates used: 2006-2010 5-year estimates and 2013-2017 5-year estimates. The files represent different geographical areas:Chicago, Community Areas, Wards, and Census Tracts.
  • Census data field definitions document.
  • Three Census Tract crosswalk files (csv format) which map Census Tracts to the other three geographies: Chicago, Community Areas, and Wards.
  • Census Tract crosswalk field definitions document.

Point of Contact for more information

Randall Leurquin at rleurquin [at] lcbh.org

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