Basic Information
Program Name
Short Description
In August 2017, NYC passed Local Law No.136., which codifies a right to counsel in housing court eviction defense proceedings for low-income tenants. This program is not a program for tenants, but for prospective tenant attorneys. The jobs board provides tenant attorneys an overview of right to counsel housing jobs in NYC.
New York City, NY
February 2019- Present
Size (number of beneficiaries)
The engagement of the jobs board is tracked through website traffic. From February 2019 through January 2020, there were 2,000 visits to the page.
Who designed and set up the program?
The Right to Counsel Jobs Board is a project of the Right to Counsel NYC Coalition in partnership with Pro Bono Net and CUNY School of Law.
Who runs and manages the program?
Who funds the program?
Intended Beneficiaries: Who does the program target?
The project is not a program for tenants, but for prospective tenant attorneys (which ultimately support Right to Counsel programs and policies in New York City).
Program Details
How does the program work? What are the typical paths of action that the beneficiary + the service-provider take?
The Right to Counsel Jobs Board is a jobs board where prospective tenant attorneys can find an overview of right to counsel housing jobs in NYC.
What assets can be shared for others to use?
Contact the program lead (see below).
Evidence Base
What are the plans for monitoring and evaluation?
Evaluations are currently in progress.
Have any evaluations been conducted so far?
Contact and Follow-Up Info
Program Website
Documentation + Links
Point of Contact for more information
Jeanne Ortiz-Ortiz, Pro Bono & Strategic Initiatives Manager, at jortiz [@]